City of Havre de Grace installs Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station. Havre de GraceCity of Havre de Grace installs Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 21, 2017 CITY OF HAVRE DE GRACE INSTALLS ELE CTRIC VEHICLE (E V) CHARGING STATION. The City of Havre de Grace has installed a level two CT 4000 ChargePoint Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station at David Craig Park. The dual powered station is capable of simultaneously charging two cars, costing green motorist $2.00 per hour. The new charging station is part of a larger marketing strategy to promote tourism and environmentally friendly travel. The station includes a prominent LCD screen capable of displaying 60-second video and other marketing material. Located within walking distance of downtown, the station on average takes two hours to charge a battery operated vehicle. “It’s a win-win for the city,” said Mayor Martin “we are increasing tourism while at the same time encouraging green travel.” The EV charging station is the latest action taken by the city to expand its environmental initiative program launched last year. Other undertakings include new recycling containers, LED lights, municipal electric cars, and most significantly, all city buildings switching over to solar power, including the charging station.