April 20, 2020 City Council Minutes Havre de GraceApril 20, 2020 City Council Minutes April 20, 2020 Council Meeting Proceedings The Public Hearing on Charter Amendment Resolution concerning Emergency Executive Powers was called to order at 7:00pm on April 20, 2020 with Mayor Martin presiding. Council Members present: CP Glenn, CM Boyer, CM Ringsaker, CM Martin, CM Zinner and CM Robertson. With no comments from Citizens or Council the meeting was closed at 7:01 pm. The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council was called to order on April 20, 2020 at 7:02 pm with Mayor Martin presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and opening prayer was given by CM Ringsaker in Proxy for Pastor Bo VanDyke of Christ the King Church. CP Glenn made an amendment to the agenda adding item 11 B2 – Budget Amendment 2020-13 with no objections from Council. Comments from Mayor Martin: Mayor Martin spoke on the current meeting and how it will take place going forward to meet the open meetings act requirements and follow the guidelines put in place by Governor Hogan’s Executive Order addressing the current pandemic of COVID-19. Approval of Minutes: CP Glenn moved to approve the Council Meeting minutes of March 16, 2020. Seconded by CM Boyer. Motion carries 5-0 with CM Zinner abstaining. She was absent at the prior Council Meeting. Comments from Citizens on Agenda items: Barbara & Gary Pensell of 150 Congress Ave. – Unhappy with the location of the Farmers Market. Joe Kochenderfer of Tydings Road. – Suggested changes to the Charter Resolution on the Mayor’s emergency powers. Resolution: 2020-06 THE ANNEXATION PLAN FOR THE LANDS OF PULASKI PARCEL LLC LOCATED AT 1531 PULASKI HIGHWAY NEAR THE NORTHWEST INTERSECTION OF PULASKI HIGHWAY AND OLD POST ROAD/STATE ROUTE 7, CONSISTING OF THREE PROPERTIES IN THE SIXTH ELECTION DISTRICT TOGETHER WITH A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND PART OF THE ADJOINING CSX RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY CONSISTING OF A TOTAL OF 3.613 ACRES MORE OR LESS. A RESOLUTION BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE MARYLAND CONSTITUTION ARTICLE XI-E AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND, LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE SECTION 4-405 WHICH REQUIRES THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF A MUNICIPALITY SEEKING TO ANNEX PROPERTY AFTER OCTOBER 1, 2006 TO ADOPT AN ANNEXATION PLAN FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THAT THE ANNEXATION PLAN NOT BE PART OF THE ANNEXATION RESOLUTION. A motion to introduce was made by CM Ringsaker with a second by CM Robertson. Motion carries 6-0. A motion to adopt on first reading was made by CM Ringsaker with a second by CM Martin. Motion carries 6-0. Charter Amendment Resolution: 286 – A RESOLUTION BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE MARYLAND CONSTITUTION ARTICLE XI-E, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND, AND THE HAVRE DE GRACE CITY CHARTER SECTION 19 AMENDING CITY CHARTER SECTION 18 BY ADDING SUBSECTION D ENUMERATING EMERGENCY EXECUTIVE POWERS DURING A DECLARED STATE OF EMERGENCY A motion to introduce was made by CP Glenn with a second by CM Ringsaker. Motion carries 6-0. A motion to adopt on first reading was made by CP Glenn with a second by CM Ringsaker. Motion carries 6-0. Charter Amendment Resolution: 287 – A RESOLUTION BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE MARYLAND CONSTITUTION ARTICLE XI-E, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND, AND THE HAVRE DE GRACE CITY CHARTER SECTION 19 AMENDING CITY CHARTER “SECTION 13 ELECTIONS; HOURS” BY GRANTING AUTHORITY TO TEMPORARILY SUSPEND THE CITY ELECTION ON MAY 5, 2020 A motion to introduce was made by CP Glenn with a second by CM Martin. Motion carries 6-0. A motion to adopt on first reading was made by CP Glenn with a second by CM Martin. Motion carries 6-0. Resolution: 2020-07 A RESOLUTION BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF ARTICLE XI-E OF THE MARYLAND CONSTITUTION, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND, CITY CHARTER SECTIONS 33 AND 34, AND CITY CODE SECTION 61-7 CONCERNING THE METHOD OF CASTING BALLOTS AT THE MAY 5, 2020 ELECTION A motion to introduce was made by CP Glenn with a second by CM Martin. Motion carries 6-0. A motion to adopt on first reading was made by CM Glenn with a second by CM Martin. Motion carries 6-0. Resolution: 2020-08 A RESOLUTION BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF ARTICLE XI-E OF THE MARYLAND CONSTITUTION, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND, CITY CHARTER SECTIONS 33 AND 34, AND 75 CONCERNING THE EXTINGUISHMENT, TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT OF INTEREST IN PROPERTY. A motion to introduce was made by CM Ringsaker with a second by CP Glenn. Motion carries 6-0. A motion to adopt on first reading was made by CM Ringsaker with a second by CP Glenn. Motion carries 6-0. New Business: Budget Amendment 2020-11. CM Robertson moved to approve. Second made by CM Zinner. Motion carries 6-0. Budget Amendment 2020-12. CM Robertson moved to approve. Second made by CM Ringsaker. Motion carries 6-0. Budget Amendment 2020-13. CM Robertson moved to approve. Second made by CM Martin. Motion carries 6-0. HDG Farmers Market (Hutchins Park) CM Ringsaker moved to approve. Second made by CM Boyer. Motion carries 6-0. Business from Mayor Martin: The Maryland General Assembly approved two bond bills that directly impacted our City. Havre de Grace Community Redevelopment Plan $150,000 and Havre de Grace Performing Arts Center $100,000. Funds from both bonds bills will go towards putting a plan together for what is now the Havre de Grace Auditorium and developing the property into a performing arts center. The City has made several critical upgrades and improvements to the Water Plant. We have also begun construction of ADA bathrooms and access for the second floor of the Opera House. Business from Council: Council Member Martin: CM Martin shared his personal feelings on the closing of Harford Memorial Hospital. He gave thanks to Delegates Mary Ann Lisanti, and Steve Johnson, County Council Member Andrea Johnson, John Correri Jr, former Mayor of Havre de Grace, Ryan Nilsen, President Havre de Grace Ambulance Corps, Mayor Martin and my fellow councilmembers for their responses and correspondence to the MHCC. He stated that the MHCC voted to close the hospital and asked “Why now?” The pandemic hasn’t ended. CM Martin stated that there has been no chance to evaluate the impact on the future of healthcare. No chance for an after – action review by the federal, state or health care professionals. CM Martin went on to share more on his disappointment with how all of this was handled. Council Member Robertson: CM Robertson shared his passionate statement as to his disappointment with the closing of Harford Memorial Hospital. Council Member Zinner: CM Zinner stated that running for Council was a result of her activities to foster the need for an acute care hospital in Havre de Grace. This pandemic has exposed the under belly of greed within the hospital system and finding loopholes to maximize profits. CM Zinner worked for different systems, one run by nuns, and the second by an executive and the third by a physician. The second was the most irresponsible and led to the bankruptcy that stretched across PA with hospitals in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia that included two medical schools and a nationally renowned children’s hospital through waste and greed. CM Zinner believes there is going to be a revolution of sorts when you hear of doctors being fired for speaking out about the shortages of PPE and other shortages that they had to deal with. That Maryland with their special Medical Care waiver and Global Revenue Budget have taken advantage of loopholes for profit. That the UM UC 2014 tax return showed 10 executives cumulative income was in excess of $5M, while the hospital was losing $1M, but somehow they could not find the money to keep HMH solvent when the “mothership” was reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. CM Zinner shared in closing that the Union Hospital saw the threat to their way of practicing and pulled away from UMUC and are now partnered with Christiana. Council Member Ringsaker: CM Ringsaker shared his passionate statement as to his disappointment with the closing of Harford Memorial Hospital. Council Member Boyer: CM Boyer shared her passionate statement as to her disappointment with the closing of Harford Memorial Hospital. Council President Glenn: Council President gave a shout out to the Senior Class of 2020. Despite the fact that their senior year was cut short, he encouraged them to take comfort in knowing that they will always have that treasure chest filled to the top with precious memories that they can cherish forever. He challenged each senior to Strive to be the very best in whatever path you choose to follow. CP Glenn made a motion to use the light poles and any required hardware throughout the City to pay tribute to this senior class by hanging their banners to be displayed for a period of approximately two months. Motion was second by CM Robertson and passed 6-0. He sent condolences out to the Dry, Bolen and Demelker families who lost loved ones in the past two weeks. Dennis Bolen was a long time dedicated City volunteer who will be sorely missed. He also discussed the hot button of the day – the closing of Harford Memorial Hospital. He thanked his counterparts and the Mayor for their concerted efforts in trying to convince MHCC that delaying the decision was a reasonable request given the ongoing pandemic and the fact that additional information would be made available once the crisis is over. His biggest concern was the City Leaders were accused of political rhetoric. He stated that he worked as a federal civil Servant for 38 years with some of the best and brightest in the nation and was always told to do his homework and ensure that you have all the necessary supporting documentation in which to make an “informed” decision. That is all we were asking for and based on his 38 years with the federal government was without a doubt the right thing to do. He stated “Since when is going to bat for the people you represent dramatization and political rhetoric”. CP Glenn made a motion to adjourn at 9:13 pm with a second by CM Martin. Carries 6-0. Video recording of the City Council Meeting may be viewed online through Harford Cable Network. Respectfully Submitted by, Resa Laird