Historic Preservation Committee – March 9, 2021

    Public Notice: The Historic Preservation Commission will meet on March 9, 2021, at 7:00 PM. Members of the public who would like to observe the meeting should visit the City’s YouTube page at the date and time of the meeting. https://www.youtube.com/user/havredegracemd/videos?view=2&flow=grid

    I. Call to Order — Jean Johnson (interim chair)
    II. Roll Call — Kathleen Lee, Secretary. Roger Lee minutes taker.
    III. Approval 1/12/2021 Minutes.
    IV. Budget — Jim Nemeth
    V. Old Business

    1. Havre de Grace Green Team/Harford County Barn Quilt Trail
    2. Report from City Council Liaison — Carolyn Zinner
    3. Property news/updates: threatened historic assets, letters and
    documentation for 1921 Pulaski Highway and 618 Concord Street
    4. Lafayette Trail Medallions, Tourism, HHdG Foundation

    V. New Business
    1. City Council Consideration of “Revisions of § 205-9 Height, lot, yard townhouse
    and cottage dwelling requirements” in the NRHD. Ordinance No. 1049. Also:
    Resolution 2018-15
    2. National Preservation Month (May) Walking Tour — planning committee
    3. Planning Commission liaison — need one HPC member to attend
    Announcements and for the good of the Commission

    Next HPC meeting: Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Minutes taker: Ellen Eltgroth