Independence Day Commission – April 26, 2021

    Public Notice: The Independence Day Commission will meet on April 26, 2021, at 7:00  PM in the Public Conference Room located at the Havre de Grace Department 715 Pennington Ave, Havre de Grace, MD 21078

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Approval of previous meeting (3/22/21) minutes.
    4. Reports of Officers and Committees
    a. Treasurer’s Report
    b. Fundraising Committee
    i. Spring Fundraising Events
    1. Bridgerton Promenade Event 5/2
    ii. Carnival on the Chesapeake 6/15-6/19
    iii. Celebrate the 4th Foundation
    1. Raffle – 4/25
    2. Defenders Day – 5/1
    c. Parade Committee
    d. Hutchins Park Concert Committee
    e. Concord Point Concert Committee
    f. Vendors Committee
    g. Sponsorship Committee
    5. Unfinished / Old Business