Board of Appeals – August 27 Havre de GraceBoard of Appeals – August 27 Public Notice The Board of Appeals will meet on August 27, 2020, at 6:3o in the City Hall public conference room located at 711 Pennington Ave, Havre de Grace, MD 21078. Public Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Old Business 4. New Business a. Permit # 20210015 Location: 413 Granville Court Owner/Applicant: Randall and Katy Shields The Applicant is requesting a variance to Section 205-43.2.B, Table I of the City Code to allow an enclosed deck to encroach into the required 25-foot rear yard setback (18-feet proposed) for townhouses in the R/Residential District utilizing Lot Type ‘E’. The variance request requires review by the Planning Commission and Board of Appeals. 5. Adjournment