City Council Minutes December 16, 2019

    December 16, 2019

    Council Meeting Minutes


    The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council was called to order on December 16, 2019 at 7:00 pm with Mayor Martin presiding.

    Council Members present: CP Glenn, CM Robertson, CM Ringsaker, CM Boyer, CM Martin and CM Zinner

    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and opening prayer was given by Pastor Bo Van Dyke

    CM Zinner moved to approve the Council Meeting minutes of December 2, 2019 Seconded by CM Martin.  Motion carries 6-0.

    CP Glenn moved to approve the Canvasback Drive Public Input Session Minutes of November 20, 2019 Seconded by CM Ringsaker. Motion carries 5-0 with CM Martin Abstaining.

    CM Martin moved to approve the Capital Improvement Meeting Minutes of November 14, 2019 Seconded by CM Zinner motion carries 6-0.

    Comments were made by citizens on agenda items.

    Joe Kochenderfer – 819 Tydings Road – shared his opinion on Ordinance 1026 with areas he felt needed to be looked at closely.

    Charlie Mike – 1413 Superior Street, shared his opinion on the need to eliminate enterprise accounting and the Bond Referendum Vote.

    Appointments:  CM Boyer moved to appoint Morgan Jones to the Tree Commission.  Second made by CM Martin.  Motion carries 6-0

    CM Zinner moved to reappoint Lou Ann Swam to the Arts Commission.  Second made by CP Glenn. Motion carries 6-0.

    CP Glenn moved to reappoint George Deibel and Nancy Bratcher to the Board of Elections. Second made by CM Zinner. Motion carries 6-0.


    Resolution 2019-12 was read into record.  A motion to introduce by CM Martin with a second by CM Ringsaker.  Motion carries 6-0.  Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-12 was made after discussion, the council adopted the resolution by a vote of 6-0.

    Ordinance 1026 was read into record.  A motion to introduce on second reading was made by CM Ringsaker with a second by CM Zinner.  Motion carries 6-0.  A motion to adopt Ordinance 1026 on second reading was made by CM Ringsaker with a second by CM Boyer. A number of substantive, grammatical and punctuation amendments were proffered by CM Ringsaker, seconded by CM Zinner and passed successfully by a 6-0 vote.   CM Ringsaker made a motion to introduced additional amendments with a second from CM Boyer. Motion Carries 6-0 CM Martin introduced amendments relative to healthy living goals. Motion did not receive a second. CP Glenn introduced an amendment to strike subsection 2 on page 6 (conflicted with earlier amendments, Second by CM Ringsaker. Motion carries 6-0.  CM Ringsaker introduced a final friendly amendment, seconded by CM Boyer. Motion carries 6-0. The ordinance as amended was adopted by a unanimous roll call vote of 6-0.

    Budget Amendment 2020-05 was introduced.  A motion to approve was made by CM Robertson with a second from CM Boyer.  Motion carries 6-0.

    At 7:57pm a motion was made by CP Glenn to enter into a closed session to discuss re-appointment of Chief of Police. A second was made by CM Ringsaker.

    See Summary of Closed Meeting Minutes attached hereto.

    At 8:25 Mayor and Council resumed the regular council meeting.  A motion was made by CM Boyer to re-appoint Chief of Police Teresa Walters with a second made by CM Zinner.  Motion carries 6-0.

    Directors Report:

    Patrick Sypolt Director of Administration:  Provided dates of upcoming events in Havre de Grace which are available on the tourism website at

    Mr. Shane Grimm Deputy Director of Planning:  315 S. Stokes has been fully demolished. Thank you to the Department of planning staff for all your help throughout the year.

    Mrs. Erika Quesenbery-Sturgill Director of Economic Development:  Encourages all too please visit  or pick up the latest addition of the I-95 Business Magazine featuring Evergreen Advisors.  Havre de Grace retains the number one manufacturing growth rate in the Mid-Atlantic from 2015 through today.   Governor Larry Hogan has declared 2020 The Year of the Woman in Maryland.  St. John’s Episcopal Church at 114 N. Union Ave will have a special service for anyone who has lost a loved one this year and are facing their first holiday without them.  Light in the Darkness which will be from 6:30 to 7:30 PM on December 18th.

    Mr. George DeHority Director of Finance:  Thanked Council for their vote on the Budget Amendment. The current financial condition of General Fund 1, Water/Sewer Fund 9 and Marina Fund 8 were presented by Mr. DeHority.

    Mr. Tim Whittie Director of the Department of Public Works:  RFP for the recycling system for the main pump station at Lafayette Street will go out in the next week.  Phase Three Project will be completed in the next two weeks.

    Chief Teresa Walter Havre de Grace PD:  Please pay attention to speed limit sign postings.  In particular Otsego and Juniata are posted at 25 miles per hour.  Please don’t leave packages visible in your car.   Better to keep them covered.


    Business from Mayor Martin:  Holiday Tree Jubilee was a great success thanks to the Independence Day Commission. Holly Jolly First Friday was a magical night.  It has grown in attendance to well over 2,000. Wreaths across America was well attended as they laid over 600 wreaths.  Thank you to The American Legion for holding this event.  This year The Opera House will be showing Christmas Vacation as the Mayor’s pick to be shown on December 16, 2019.  The winner this year for the Christmas Light Decorating Contest goes to 108 Joehill Drive.  The Mayor thanked Council for voting for Resolution 2019-12 which allows us to put the bond bill referendum on the ballot for the citizens to approve or not approve, in a February 4th Special Election.


    Business from Council: 

    Council Member Ringsaker: Thank you to all who supported Ordinance 1026. Wage and Benefit Committee will meet at 6:30 on the 18th of December in the city hall conference room.

    Council Member Robertson: The Youth Commission will meet on the 26th of December at 7:00pm in the city hall conference room.

    Council Member Zinner: January14th Historic Preservation Commission will meet here at city hall at 7pm. The 28st of January the Arts Commission at 6:30 here at city hall and The Independence Day Commission will meet the 27th of January at 6pm at the Police Department.

    Council Member Martin: The City of Havre de Grace will host the Maryland Municipal League dinner on December the 19th. The referendum vote which will occur on Tuesday February the 4th 2020, CM Martin said after a motion and unanimous vote by the Water and Sewer Commission he is requesting continuance to the Water and Sewer Annual Report & Recommendations due to the Mayor and City Council for the first Monday of February 3rd, 2020 as required by City Code 25 Article XI.  He requested the report be moved until the first council meeting on March 2, 2020 to allow for the results of the referendum vote. CM Martin made a motion to delay the Water and Sewer Report until the first Monday in February.  A second was made by CM Ringsaker.  Motion carries 6-0.  A presentation will be planned for January 2020 by Kimberly Min with Whiteford, Taylor and Preston.  This presentation will be on the process of the issuance of a bond and basic vocabulary.

    Council Member Boyer: Very impressed with the WWTP and WTP staff and all they do to provide all the citizens with safe drinking water. Their skill and dedication is greatly appreciated.

    Council President Glenn:  Thank you to all the City’s Volunteers, you’re our true unsung heroes.

    Comments were made from Citizens: Camay Murphy 564 Green Street – Havre de Grace is ahead in The Year of The Women 2020 by appointing Morgan Jones to the Tree Commission.  Ms. Murphy thanked the Tree Commission for the planting of the tree in honor of Harriet Tubman.  The Tree which will be dedicated February 16th 2020.


    A motion was made by CP Glenn and seconded by CM Ringsaker to adjourn at 9:25pm. Motion carried 6-0

    Video recording of the City Council Meeting may be viewed online through Harford Cable Network.

    Respectfully Submitted by,

    Resa Laird

    Monday, December 16, 2019
    City Hall
    711 Pennington Avenue
    Havre de Grace, MD 21078

    Time of Closed Session: 8:01 PM
    Place: City Hall, Mayor’s office.
    Purpose: To consider the job performance and reappointment of Chief of Police Teresa Walter.
    Persons Attending: Council President Glenn; CM Boyer; CM Robertson; CM Martin; CM Ringsaker; CM Zinner; Chief of Staff Gamatoria; Director of Administration Sypolt; City Attorney Ishak; Mayor Martin.
    Motion to go into close session made by CP Glenn, second by CM Ringsaker. Vote in favor: 6-0
    Authority under Section 3-305 for the closed session: General Provision Article 3-305(b)(1) to discuss the job performance and reappointment of Chief of Police Teresa Walter.
    Topics actually discussed:
    The council members considered Chief Walter’s job performance and whether to approve her reappointment for a three year contractual term.
    Action taken: None.
    Motion to Adjourn and return to open session. Passed: Vote 6-0.
    Closed Session adjourned at 8:21 PM.