City of Havre de Grace announces Light Up Havre de Grace With Hope campaign. Havre de GraceCity of Havre de Grace announces Light Up Havre de Grace With Hope campaign. City of Havre de Grace announces Light Up Havre de Grace With Hope campaign. This afternoon Mayor William T. Martin and First Lady Taryn Martin announced from the front porch of their home the Light Up Havre de Grace with Hope campaign. The Mayor and First Lady are asking their fellow Citizens to light up the front of their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic as a sign of unity and solidarity. “Our community has always embraced light as a beacon of hope and inspiration,” said Mayor William T. Martin. “That’s why we are asking all Citizens to light up their homes right now to send a powerful message of hope to the rest of the world.” The City of Havre de Grace is encouraging its Citizens to use #HdGStrong when sharing pictures of their lights on social media.