City of Havre de Grace Presents Laurie Starkey With Recognition Havre de GraceCity of Havre de Grace Presents Laurie Starkey With Recognition WHEREAS, In recognition of Laurie’s 33 years of teaching in Harford County; and WHEREAS, 26 of those at Havre de Grace Middle School where she not only inspired her students in science, but also tirelessly introduced them to theatrical arts with the Drama Club, the annual musical, and the annual NYC trip to a Broadway show; and WHEREAS, In addition, we recognize Laurie for her 18 years of dedicated service to the Havre de Grace community as President of Tidewater Players, where her leadership and artistic vision attracted large audiences and talented performers from Harford and surrounding counties and Delaware, springboarding Havre de Grace to the forefront of a cultural arts town in the State of Maryland and culminating in the efforts to create the Cultural Arts Center at The Opera House. NOW THEREFORE, I, William T. Martin, Mayor of the City of Havre de Grace, along with the City Council Members express our sincere and grateful appreciation and hereby extend our congratulations on her well-earned retirement, and our best wishes to her for continued success, happiness, and good health in the years to come.