City of Havre de Grace Weekly Briefing Week of Monday January 15, 2018

    City of Havre de Grace Weekly Briefing
    Week of Monday January 15, 2018

    Police Department:

    • Retired Havre de Grace Police Corporal William “Bill” Dill passed away and the Havre de Grace Police Department mourned his loss. Here is a photo of the Honor Guard paying their respect the day he was laid to rest.
    • Thank you Greater Grace Church of the Chesapeake for inviting us to a service to celebrate National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. We are so proud of all the support we receive from the Havre de Grace community!
    • Your Havre de Grace Police Department has updated its bike registry. Please add your bicycle to it, this way if it gets lost or stolen we can better help you get it back.

    Havre de Grace Police Department Bike Registry

    • Havre de Grace Police has many Crime Prevention Specialists. We can do residential and commercial surveys to help keep you safe! Contact PFC Adams at, Cpl. Petz at, or by phone at (410)939-2121 to schedule a free survey!

    Department of Public Works

    • The Promenade Project is moving forward! Bids are being accepted for the Promenade re-decking project until 2pm, January 24th. A pre-bid conference will be held Wednesday, January 17th at 2pm.
    • The Community Center has had new exterior doors installed. All are ADA Accessible and have a secure seal that helps with energy efficiency.
    • Thank you for Recycling! Here’s two reminders to help you have a successful collection: 1. The following items are NOT recyclable: Pizza Boxes, Styrofoam, Plastic Bags. If you place them in your recycle bin, sadly the entire bin will be collected as trash. 2. Do not “bag” your recycling for collection. Using plastic bags to hold your recycling causes it to be collected as trash. Those pesky plastic bags defeat the whole recycling process.
    • The City has again partnered with Maryland Environmental Services’ Office of Recycling to offer our citizens another way to dispose of plastic bags and plastic wrap (for example: those bags you find to hold a loaf of bread, bags used to hold a newspaper, and dry cleaning bags.) A bin has been placed at City Hall in the lobby for easy drop-off.
    • Mattresses for Bulk Collection Service – Beginning Friday, February 16th, a mattress collected from your home will need to be wrapped in plastic and taped closed. This practice is for the health and safety of City staff providing this service. Mattress bags and tape will be available for purchase ($7.50 our cost) here at City Hall. You may use your own plastic wrap and tape if you prefer.
    • A round of applause to DPW staff who have been working around the clock responding to calls for help with frozen and broken water pipes. You can prevent your pipes from freezing by running your water faucet at a small trickle. The cost of using this water is minimal compared to replacing pipes that have burst and the damage it causes to your home.


    • The City has 100% design for Lilly Run Phase I, Wetland Enhancement. Watch for next steps.
    • Please report any illicit activity on the storm drains by calling City Hall at 410-939-1800 or by using the “REPORT” button on our website.
    • Stormwater pond revitalization and landscape infiltration areas work will begin at Concord Point Park after the first of the year. These improvements will help protect the River and Bay from stormwater runoff and the pollutants it carries.
    • Design of pedestrian bridge abutments over Lilly Run near the Lock House will begin this month. Watch for more information on this connection of the Joe K Trail loop.
    • Design of the City’s stormwater management pond retrofit and habitat creation at Bradford Green is underway. Watch for these enhancements soon.
    • Stormwater outfall inspections have been completed for 96 of the outfall pipes and surrounding structures related to stormwater conveyance throughout the City. Maintenance of those requiring repairs or upkeep have been performed or are being scheduled.
    • Inspections for illicit discharges have been completed for the year with none testing positive for harmful elements.
    • WATCH for other stormwater pollution removal projects happening in the City. The smallest effort counts!!
    • Reminder: Please keep your storm drains clear of leaves, grass, trash and debris at all times to minimize flooding in the streets and on your property when we have a weather event. Also keep inlets free from trash and debris as it all drains to the Bay.

    Department of Planning:

    • During 2017, the Department of Planning issued 119 new house permits! Since 2010, we have averaged 58 dwellings per year. Welcome to all of our new neighbors!
    • Please remember, property owners or their lessees are responsible for removing snow and ice from public sidewalks fronting their properties within 24 hours of any weather event resulting in snow and/or ice.
    • Building permits are required for sheds, fences, renovations, decks, and other alterations to buildings and property. If your property is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, there may be State requirements to comply with also. When hiring a contractor, be sure they are licensed by the State of Maryland and all the required inspections have been approved. Contact the Department of Planning (410) 939-1800 ext 1102 for permit fees and details.
    • Per the International Building Codes, Property Maintenance Codes, and for Emergency Services, please be sure your dwelling or business is clearly identified with proper address numbers – numbers should be a minimum 4″ tall, contrasting to their background, and visible from the street. Rear or side entrances should also be clearly identified.
    • Check out our new Floodplain Management page on our City website – go to the Government heading, and the link is under Organization, just below Stormwater Management. Contact Marisa Willis if you have any questions or suggestions on the content of the Floodplain Management page (410) 939-1800 ext 1123. As always, please keep your stormdrains clear of leaves, grass, trash and tree debris at all times to minimize flooding in the streets and on your property.

    Office of Economic Development:
    Washington Street Books & Music featured in Baltimore Sun:

    • Congratulations to John and Kathy Klisavage, and their family, for being featured recently by the Baltimore Sun for their Entertainment Museum on Washington Street in Havre de Grace. The article features wonderful pictures of the many offerings at the store along with some of the 350 authentic movie costumes he has acquired and displays. If you didn’t catch it check it out here at:

    • The Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland (RMI) on the Future Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution of Maryland Manufacturing is Wed., January 17, from 3 to 6 p.m. A special announcement is expected from Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, or DLLR, Secretary Kelly Schulz at the start of the program. One of the speaker presenters for this program is Mary Steinebrunner, General Manager of Dunlop Protective Footwear, USA, in material science, from Havre de Grace.
    • The Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership, MDMEP, has announced the registered apprenticeship program through the Department of Labor Licensing and Regulation, DLLR, for the first competency-based machinist and industrial maintenance programs in Maryland. DLLR and MEP are working hard to distinguish Maryland as an industry leader in apprenticeship for the manufacturing industry. In today’s world many employers struggle with recruiting and retaining qualified workers, apprenticeship is an innovative approach to help businesses expand their talent pipeline and address the needs of both the employer and employees. These work-learn models, including industry-led and business-supported apprenticeships, are a proven tool to connect learning directly to work and to help employers recruit, train and advance well-qualified employees. MD MEP is the only MEP Center in the country and the first organization in Maryland to offer competency-based programs for machinist and maintenance. As the official sponsoring organizations, the MD MEP is committed to making these programs available, affordable and effective for small and mid-sized manufacturers. To learn more about the MD MEP apprenticeship program contact KerryWells at or visit the website at
    • MD MEP will host Cheers to Gears at Harbor Designs & Manufacturing, 1100 Wicomico St., Suite 600, Baltimore, on January 25, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. This is a free program, reservations required at and part of a series from the MD MEP Make It in Maryland program, exclusive to Maryland manufacturers. The goal is simple – connect Maryland manufacturers and grow manufacturing. Cheers to Gears provides an informal setting for companies to network, make B2B connections and learn from local counterparts.

    Small Business

    • The US Small Business Administration has launched a new blog on how to fund your business startup with five fast and popular options. The article covers everything from business cards to microloans, crowdfunding to vendor credit and personal business loans. Read the blog to learn more about funding for business, as well as the steps to take to start your new business in the New Year at the SBA website at

    Non-Profit Organizations

    • The Maryland Department of Commerce, in partnership with the Maryland Nonprofit Development Center, is now accepting applications from nonprofit organizations seeking short-term operational support. The Nonprofit, Interest-Free, Micro Bridge Loan Account (NIMBL) is an interest free, micro bridge loan fund that provides funding up to $25,000 to qualifying nonprofits between the award date of a government grant or contract and the actual receipt of those funds.
    • The nonprofit arts sector alone in Maryland has a more than $1 billion impact on the state’s economy. According to the Office of the Attorney General, Maryland is home to more than 30,000 nonprofit organizations employing nearly 263,000 workers and 11% of the workforce. If you are interested in applying or learning more about NIMBL visit
    • The 2018 Maryland Preservation Awards will be awarded to 10 outstanding people and projects for extraordinary efforts to preserve and enhance historic places. Presented annually by the Maryland Historic Trust Board of Trustees, the Maryland Preservation Awards are the highest level of recognition for historic preservation, heritage education and community development projects in the state. A presentation ceremony will be held February 1, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. in the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis.

    Office of Tourism:

    • Harford County Restaurant Week runs from January 19- 28. Several Havre de Grace restaurant are participating. Enjoy dinner in Havre de Grace followed by a show or movie at the Opera House.
    • Masquer Aid Ball- February 3 at the Havre de Grace Community Center. The Ball benefits the Havre de Grace Arts Collective “Bringing the Arts to Harford County & Havre de Grace.
    • Mardi Gras Parade- Bourbon Street comes alive for Mardi Gras again this year! Join in the family friendly festivities on February 13. To enter a group or float fill out an application available at the Visitor Center 450 Pennington Ave. or online at

    Cultural Center at the Opera House

    • “Ai WeiWei: The Fake Case” (POV Film Series) on Tuesday, January 16 at 7pm
    • Susquehanna Museum at the Lock House presents the Shank Lecture Series 2018- “The Mason- Dixon Line: Stories Behind a Geographic Boundary” on Wednesday, January 17 at 7pm. Free
    • “Wonder Woman” (Pop Up Film Series) on Friday, January 19 at 8pm
    • “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (Children’s Film Series) on Saturday, January 20 at 11am
    • “Carl Filipiak and the Jimi Jazz Band” (Jazz) on Saturday, January 20 at 8pm