City of Havre de Grace Weekly Briefing Week of Monday March 26, 2018

    City of Havre de Grace Weekly Briefing
    Week of Monday March 26, 2018

    Office of the Mayor:

    Department of Administration:

    • Election season is upon us with a total of 7 council candidates. The City Election will be held May 8, 2018.
    • The next Council meeting will be held on April 2, 2018. View Information regarding the public hearings by visiting our website
    • The Public Budget Work Sessions will be held, April 10th and April 23rd in the Council Chambers. Starting at 6pm. A draft copy of the budget can also be found by visiting our website

    Police Department: 

      • Recently, Mayor Martin asked Chief Walter and Corporal Petz to join him in a conversation about school safety. Please watch and share with your neighbors.

    Department of Public Works:

    • A request for proposal has been issued for the Lapidum water tank repairs.
    • A request for engineering work will be issued next week for a DNR/City
      regenerative stormwater improvement project at the Concord Street cove near the Maritime Museum.
    • Severe storms are no match for the DPW team.  Crews worked around the clock to clear snow emergency routes, then main roadways followed by the lesser used streets. From salting the roadbeds to pushing the snow, the team made this difficult, time-consuming task look easy.  Well done!
    • Public Works is gearing up for the busy spring and summer season.  This includes filling potholes, blacktopping roadbeds, repairing curbs and sidewalks, pruning trees and installing picnic tables and grills at the City parks; renovating the Promenade and adding fiber mulch to the playgrounds. This time of year also sees many requests for assistance from volunteer groups and organizations such as providing and delivering wood chips for the Community Garden walkways and smoothing out the gravel driveway to the Lock House Museum.
    • From January 1 to the third week of  March, Public Works has responded to over 500 calls for service.


    • The Green Team will be building a Victory Garden on the City property located at 319 Lafayette Street.  It is almost time to start building beds and planting. Thanks to a grant they have been awarded by the Chesapeake Bay Trust there will also be a new pollinator garden on that site.
    • Stormwater pond revitalization and landscape infiltration areas construction will be completed within the next couple weeks at Concord Point Park.  These improvements will help protect the River and Bay from stormwater runoff and the pollutants it carries.
    • CONGRATULATIONS to the Maritime Museum for their grant award to restore the shoreline riparian buffer.  Watch for more improvements to the shoreline many of which will include informational signage to enlighten visitors on purpose and partnerships involved with shoreline and runoff improvements as we strive to keep our waterways clean.
    • The City and DNR are working on regenerative stormwater improvements in the area of the Lighthouse and Maritime Museum.
    • The City has 100% design for Lilly Run Phase I, Wetland Enhancement near the current Middle School.  Watch for next steps. Construction will begin this year.
    • Design of the City’s stormwater management pond retrofit and habitat creation at Bradford Green is underway.  Watch for these enhancements soon.
    • The issuance of the City’s new MS-4 (separate storm sewer system) permit will occur in April this year.
    • WATCH for other stormwater pollution removal projects happening in the City.  The smallest effort counts!!
    • Please report any illicit activity on the storm drains by calling City Hall at 410-939-1800 or by using the “REPORT” button on our website.
    • Be thinking of and planning small measures you can take on your own property to mitigate stormwater runoff around your home.  For more information please call Stephanie at 410-939-1800.
    • Reminder:  Please keep your storm drains clear of leaves, grass, trash and debris at all times to minimize flooding in the streets and on your property when we have a weather event.  This is important after storm events also.


    • Design of pedestrian bridge abutments over Lilly Run near the Lock House continues.  A request for proposal for construction will be advertised shortly. 
    • The areas between the Lighthouse and Tydings Park inclusive are undergoing numerous upgrades and refreshing such as:  
    • Upgrades to the pier at the Lighthouse will be coming soon for public use. 
    • Planking is currently being replaced on the Promenade refreshing your walk. 
    • The handicapped accessible ramp will be completed at Tydings Park within the next couple weeks.

    WATER: Update

    • The annual Consumer Confidence Report of Water Quality is posted on the City’s website for viewing. Please watch the mail for your copy of this report. 
    • The relining of the water main on Camilla Street will begin in April. 
    • The request for proposal has been issued for constructing upgraded water lines on segments of Alliance and Lafayette Streets.

    Department of Planning:

    • Tuesday, March 20th, was the first day of Spring (even though it was snowing)!  According to Farmers Almanac, this Spring starts out a little cooler than normal, with April and May slightly rainier than normal.  To help prevent excess flooding, please be sure storm drains are free of leaves and other debris. Check out the Floodplain Management page on the City website for helpful information.  You may also call Marisa Willis or Shane Grimm, (410) 939-1800,  if you have any questions on the Special Flood Hazard Areas within the City. 
    • Planning Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, as needed, at 6:30 pm at Havre de Grace City Hall.  In addition, Board of Appeals hearings are held on Thursdays at 7:00 pm, as needed, with required public notification in local newspapers and property postings.  For meeting agendas, please go to or you may find them posted outside the main door of Havre de Grace City Hall. 
    • Building permits are required for sheds, fences, renovations, decks, and other alterations to buildings and property.  If your property is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, there may be State requirements to comply with also. When hiring a contractor, be sure they are licensed by the State of Maryland and all the required inspections have been approved.   Contact the Department of Planning (410) 939-1800 ext 1102 for permit fees and details.

    Department of Economic Development:
    Tuesday, March 27
    The Harford County YEA! (Youth Entrepreneurs Academy) Investor Panel Presentations will be held from 5 to 8 p.m., at The GroundFloor, 2021-G Pulaski Hwy., Havre de Grace, with doors open at 5 p.m., a meet and greet and welcome remarks at 5:30 p.m. Students will take the stage to present their business plans before a panel of local leaders of industry and a public audience. The students range from grade six through 12 and have five minutes to pitch their business plans to prominent local members of the business community during this “Shark Tank” style event. The investors will then determine the amount of funds to allocate to deserving business or social movements presented. One business will advance to the YEA Sanders Scholars Competition to compete with students across the United States for college scholarships.
    Learn more about the 8a Business Development Program at the Small Business Administration sponsored free program in the SBA Baltimore District office, 100 S. Charles St., Suite 1201, Baltimore, from 10 to 11 a.m. This is a monthly program that discourses the benefits and application process of the SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Government Contracting Program. Space is limited and interested participants are encouraged to register in advance at Photo ID is required to enter the building.
    You can get the inside track on HUB Zone Contracting at the Small Business Administration District Office, 100 S. Charles St., Suite 1201, Baltimore, Tues., March 27, from 11 a.m. to noon. This free program will review benefits of and the application process for the SBA’s HUB (Historically Under-Utilized Business) Zone Government Contracting Program. Space is limited so sign-up early at Photo ID is required for building entry.
    Are you looking to start your own business? Do you have some great ideas and aren’t sure how to turn those ideas into a business? Do you need money to get your business off the ground or to move it forward? Get the answers to these and other questions at the free Entrepreneurship Workshop Series, Tues., March 27, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Harford County Office of Community & Economic Development, 2021 Pulaski Hwy., Suite D, Havre de Grace. The topic for this date is Entrepreneurship Workshop: Financing Your Business. The programs are led by industry subject matter experts. Please register at Eventbrite under “entrepreneurship workshop series in Harford County.”
    The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and partner GreenPlay, LLC, will host an information session and workshop to solicit public comment and stakeholder feedback on Land Conservation and Outdoor Recreation with residents and non-residents invited to attend. There will be four such sessions, the second at Talbot Community Center, 100128 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD, Tues., March 27, with the first session at 1 p.m. and a second at 6 p.m. Session and survey results will be incorporated into the Maryland Land Preservation and Recreation Plan, which is required to receive Federal funding from the National Park Service’s Land and Water Conservation Fund. Please RSVP to
    Wednesday, March 28
    Register now for the National #SmallBusinessWeek Virtual Conference, May 1 to 3, 2018, from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m., each day. The US Small Business Administration and SCORE Association will host this free 3-day virtual conference during National Small Business Week. The conference offers all the best parts of an in-person conference but without the hassle and expense of the travel. Watch 12 educational webinars, get free business advice from mentors, pick up free information and resources from sponsors and network with fellow business owners. Visit for more.
    Turbo Start  Your Grants Program with a free webinar 2 to 2:30 p.m. through GrantStation. This free program helps you establish a comprehensive, structured grants program to fund the work of your nonprofit organization. Visit to learn more.
    The Havre de Grace Alliance Wedding Group will meet 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Wed., March 28, by invitation at an RSVP required event, at Vandiver Inn, 301 S. Union Ave., Havre de Grace.
    Thursday, March 29
    It is National Mom & Pop Business Owners Day and you are encouraged to support your local businesses today of all days, March 29. Learn how to leverage the advantages that small businesses have over giant ones to help you compete in your marketplace by visiting
    The Harford County Chamber of Commerce will hold the Harford County Economic Forecast Breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m., Thurs., March 29, at the Maryland Golf & Country Club, 1335 E. MacPhail Rd., Bel Air. Register at with tickets $30 for members and $40 for prospective members. The presentation will include insights from: Dr. Daraius Irani, Len Parrish, Bruce England, and Larry Muzzelo. Registration closes Fri., March 23.
    Learn about resources for Maryland companies and a new opportunity to start or expand exports at the Export to China Symposium, 4 to 7 p.m., Thurs., March 29. The symposium is $30 per person and will be held at the first floor conference room in the Maryland Department of Agriculture, 50 Harry S. Truman Pkwy., Annapolis. Contact for questions or visit for tickets.
    Friday, March 30
    The Million Women Mentors Symposium will be Fri., March 30, at Cecil College, 1 Seahawk Dr., North East, from 9 a.m. to noon. THis is the first annual MWM-Maryland Region 2 (Baltimore City, Baltimore, Harford and Cecil Counties) gathering to encourage companies, schools and other interested parties to discuss STEM mentorship opportunities in our area. It will also encourage brainstorming to improve and do more to encourage women into the STEM-related workforce.
     Join Harford County’s 15th Annual Arbor Day Celebration, March 30, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All attendees will receive a free native tree and light refreshments. Civic organizations, school groups, Scouts and individuals are all welcome to participate. Please bring a hammer, shovel and work gloves if you have them. For information contact Jennifer Wilson at 410-638-3103 ext. 1365.
    The Harford County Office of Community and Economic Development will host an Organizational Economic Development meeting with municipal economic development offices at HCOCED, 2021 Pulaski Hwy., Havre de Grace, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Fri., March 30.
    Cultural Center at the Opera House

    • The Scottfield Theatre Company is in rehearsal for “Titanic The Musical” all week.