City of Havre de Grace Weekly Briefing Week of Monday October 2, 2017 Havre de GraceCity of Havre de Grace Weekly Briefing Week of Monday October 2, 2017 City of Havre de Grace Weekly Briefing Week of Monday October 2, 2017 Police Department: The Havre de Grace Housing Authority is looking for donations of Halloween costumes new or gently used. These costumes will go to those in need. If you can help, please contact Shannon Ingle at 410-939-2097 Havre de Grace School Resource Officers will be hosting a monthly safety club, with the first meeting on October 4th at 6 pm at the police department. This club is open to all Havre de Grace residents with children in elementary school. If your community would like an officer to attend your HOA, club, or organization meeting to discuss anything, crime or law enforcement related, please contact Cpl. Petz at 410-939-2121 to get that scheduled. Department of Planning: Five hurricanes have formed in the Atlantic during August and September, but hurricane season is far from over, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Even without a hurricane or tropical storm, heavy rains can cause extensive flooding in our City. The City of Havre de Grace has had our Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) revised by FEMA which became effective on April 19, 2016. Although flood boundary lines on the map may have changed, floods can still happen outside those areas. You may contact the Department of Planning at (410) 939-1800 ext 1123 to find out the flood zone for your property. Ask your insurance agent about flood insurance, which is also available for renters. A Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) offers lower-cost protection for homes and apartments in areas of low to moderate flood risk. These are areas shown as B, C, or X, zones on a FIRM. As noted by DPW Division of Stormwater Management, keep your stormdrains clear of leaves, grass, trash and tree debris at all times to minimize flooding in the streets and on your property. Please contact DPW if you notice anyone dumping into a stormdrain or stream. Building permits are required for sheds, fences, renovations, decks, and other alterations to buildings and property. If your property is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, there may be State requirements to comply with also. When hiring a contractor, be sure they are licensed by the State of Maryland. Contact the Department of Planning (410) 939-1800 ext 1102 for permit fees and details. Department of Finance: October Water Bills will be mailed this week Register for e-Billing online or call Michele or Donna at 410-939-1800 User Benefit Bills were due 9/30/17 Department of Public Works: Yard Waste – Just a reminder when raking up the fall leaves: These will be collected if placed loosely in trash cans -or- placed in paper yard bags. Leaves in plastic bags will not be collected. Why? – the plastic bags jam up the mulching machines. Cross Connection Backflow Prevention – inspections happening this week. Burns Property – fencing to be installed within the next few weeks. Holiday Decorating – DPW staff will begin decorating all around town within the next few weeks. Tydings Park – sidewalks will be replaced. Construction to begin next week. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UPDATES Reminder: Since fall is here keep your stormdrains clear of leaves, grass, trash and tree debris at all times to minimize flooding in the streets, and on your property when it rains. The City is progressing with plans for stormwater management facility retrofits/improvements. Keep watching the updates for the improvements happening throughout the City. Concord Point Park Pond Retrofit and Infiltration Facilities Construction – Coming Soon Pedestrian Bridge Abutment Design Over Lilly Run DPW will be installing fencing surrounding the perimeter of the Burns Property of which 319 Lafayette St. will be the site of the Green Team’s Victory Garden. SPOTLIGHT: Lilly Run Improvements to Lilly Run were the subject of an Aegis article on Friday, September 29, 2017 featuring our DPW Director, Tim Whittie. Refer to the article for some interesting reading. Office of Tourism: On Tuesday, October 3 the Maritime Museum in partnership with the HdG Green Team, will host Seed The Untold Story, as part of the monthly environmental film series Maritime Museum will hold a fall evening migratory bird walk along the promenade at 5:30 on October 4 First Fridays- Come celebrate fall at First Fridays on October 6. Over 100 vendors, 7 bands, outdoor cafe seating, a kids zone and bargains galore in our stores. Cultural Center at the Opera House Scottfield Theatre Company presents Tuck Everlasting on Friday and Saturday, October 6 & 7 at 8pm and Sunday, October 8 at 2pm.