City of Havre de Grace Weekly Briefing: Week of Monday, September 25, 2017

    City of Havre de Grace Weekly Briefing:

    Week of Monday, September 25, 2017

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    Office of The Mayor:

    • On September 23, 2017 Mayor Martin attended and gave the opening remarks at Bark For Life.

    Department of Finance:

    • Water/Sewer Turn Offs will be on Tuesday 9/26/17.  To avoid the turn off fee of $50 please pay by Monday 9/25/17.
    • Register for e-billing online or call Michele or Donna at 410-939-1800.
    • Property Taxes are due September 30, 2017.  Pay online, at City Hall or place your payment in the drop box at the front doors of City Hall after hours.


    * Reminder:  Since fall is here keep your stormdrains clear of leaves, grass, trash and tree debris at all times to minimize flooding in the streets and on your property when it rains.  

    • Stormwater Management personnel are working with some students to stencil some our stormdrains reminding folks that anything entering our stormdrain system flows to the Chesapeake Bay.
    • If anyone notices someone dumping into a stormdrain please notify City Hall at 410-939-1800, ext. 1128.  Anything going into the drains except for stormwater is illicit.  
    • The City is progressing with plans for stormwater management facility retrofits/improvements.  Keep watching the updates for the improvements happening throughout the City.
      Current requests for proposals:
      Concord Point Park Pond Retrofit and Infiltration Facilities Construction
      Pedestrian Bridge Abutment Design Over Lilly Run
    • DPW will be installing fencing surrounding the perimeter of the Burns Property of which 319 Lafayette St. will be the site of the Green Team’s Victory Garden.

      Located behind Citizen’s Care facility along Girard Street, this park is “healthy” in many respects.  The bioretention adjacent to Citizen’s Care parking lot serves to slow the rain on its way to the River while native plantings use and filter the rain.  The beautiful park setting is well planned to provide ample seating for respite and relaxation, as well as, modern outdoor exercise equipment for all to use as you amble along the pathways. 

    Department of Public Works:

    • There is a 12” sewer main being repaired at the 600 block of Commerce Street.
    • The Camilla Street Water Main Rehabilitation project is being re-bid due to low turnout.  Watch for the updated advertising of the Request for Proposal.
    • Public Works encourages citizens to recycle as much as possible.  Remember all bagged garbage (food and animal waste) must be in a container per City Code.
    • BGE continues to work on replacing gas main along Revolution Street.  The City will be coordinating with BGE shortly to begin paving and sidewalk repairs.

    Department of Economic Development:

    •    Joretro at 467 Franklin St., Havre de Grace, will host Pyrex & Vintage Fest, Saturday, September 30, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.Celebrate your love of Pyrex and all things Vintage with guest vendors on Franklin Street, giveaways and Pyrex themed refreshments!
    •  The Route 40 Business Association is coming to Havre de Grace for their October Meet, Greet  Eat event at Mount Felix Winery, 2000 Level Rd., Havre de Grace. Admission is free but registration is required at Register then bring your business cards to network with other professionals and have a chance for a giveaway. 
    • Have you been to Washington Street Books & Music lately? Stop by at 131 N. Washington Street, and say hello to the Klisavage family who are celebrating 25 years in business in Havre de Grace. As part of a quarter century celebration they have opened an Entertainment Museum in their shop complete with costumes fresh from the set of the super-hot movie Baby Driver (even one worn by Kevin Spacey, which is super difficult to come by!) Find original costumes from The Hunger Games to Last Samurai. 
    • Special thanks to Mayor Bill Martin and Council President David Glenn for attending the 2nd Annual Havre de Grace Business Appreciation Happy Hour at MacGregor’s Restaurant on Tuesday, September 19. And a hearty congratulations to the businesses recognized earlier that day: Washington Street Books & Music, Thymly Products, Inc., Citizens Care & Rehabilitation Center, Amanda’s Florist, Joseph’s Department Store and MacGregor’s Restaurant.

    Office of Tourism:

    • Bark for Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, was held on Saturday, September 23.  This is the first time the event was held in Harford County.  The event was well attended by both canines and their handlers. If you missed it this year be sure to attend next year for a fun event raising money for a worthy cause.  
    • September 27- Blue Crab Dissection Lab at The Maritime Museum
    • September 30- Farmers Market
    • September 30- Pyrex & Vintage Fest
    • October 1- Downton Abbey Garden Party at The Steppingstone Farm Museum
    • Tickets for our 2nd Annual Oyster Feast are now available at the Havre de Grace Visitor Center, 450 Pennington Ave.  The is a community event to support local non-profits.  Tickets are only $55 for an all you can eat menu of amazing Chesapeake Bay fare.

    Cultural Center at the Opera House:

    • The Big Sleep (Black & White on Tuesday Night Film Series) on Tuesday, September 26 at 8pm