COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA April 3, 2017 Havre de GraceCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDA April 3, 2017 Below you will find an interactive version of the agenda the City Council will use at the Monday, April 3, 2017 City Council Meeting. Draft items and items that have received prior council action can be viewed through this interactive agenda. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA April 3, 2017 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Opening Prayer: A. Pastor Audrey Price of Webster United Congregational Church 5. Approval of the Minutes: A. Council Meeting Minutes- March 20, 2017 6. Recognitions: A. Student of the Month ( Presented by Mayor Martin) 1. Havre de Grace Elementary: Allen Nutter 2. Meadowvale Elementary: Khalil Charlton 3. Havre de Grace Middle School: Yamna Essakhi 4. Havre de Grace High School: Kenneth Sumpter 7. Proclamations: None 8. Presentations: None 9. Appointments: A. Kirk Smith: Tree Commission (CM Hitchings) 10. Oath of Office: (Administered by Mayor Martin) A. Kirk Smith 11. Comments from Citizens on Agenda Items: 12. Resolutions: A Resolution concerning a Public Works Agreement (CP Gamatoria) A RESOLUTION BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND AND SECTION 34 OF THE HAVRE DE GRACE CITY CHARTER AND CHAPTERS 134, 155, AND 196 OF THE CITY CODE AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT FOR ONSITE PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER FOR BULLE ROCK AS TO PARCEL Y ONLY 13. Ordinances: 14. Old Business: None 15. New Business: None 16. Directors Report: A. Mr. Patrick Sypolt: Director of Administration B. Mr. Ben Martorana: Director of Planning C. Mrs. Erika Quesenbery- Acting Director of Economic Development D. Mr. George DeHority: Director of Finance E. Mr. Tim Whittie: Director of Public Works F. Teresa Walter: Chief of Police 17. Business from Mayor Martin: 18. Business from Council: A. Council Member Glenn: B. Council Member Hitchings: C. Council Member D. Martin: D. Council Member Worrell: E. Council Member Craig: 19. Business from Council President Gamatoria: 20. Comments from Citizens 21. Adjournment