Council Meeting Minutes May 6, 2019 Havre de GraceCouncil Meeting Minutes May 6, 2019 Public Hearings: Ordinance 1016 AN ORDINANCE BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND TAX-PROPERTY ARTICLE TITLE 6 AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND, FIXING THE TAX RATE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2019 TO JUNE 30, 2020 ON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) OF ASSESSABLE REAL PROPERTY, PERSONAL PROPERTY; AND PROVIDING AN ADDITIONAL SPECIAL TAX LEVIED WITHIN THE CRITICAL AREA SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT AND SETTING THE SERVICE CHARGE FOR THE SEMI-ANNUAL PROPERTY TAX PAYMENT OPTION. Citizens Comments: Mr. Bob Robinson- 229 N. Union Ave- Spoke about the FY19 Budget vs previous budgets. Comments from Mayor Martin- the tax rate will not be increased. Ordinance 1017 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND, AND THE CITY CHARTER SECTIONS 33 AND 34 AND CITY CODE CHAPTER 196 AND EXHIBIT A THERETO, ESTABLISHING THE CITY WATER AND SEWER RATES AND SERVICE PARTICIPATION FEES FOR THE USERS OF THE CITY WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM. No citizen comments Ordinance 1018 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HAVRE DE GRACE PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GRANTED BY THE MARYLAND CONSTITUTION ARTICLE XI-E, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE MARYLAND ANNOTATED CODE, AND CITY CHARTER SECTION 33 AND 34, AMENDING THE CITY CODE SECTION 67: ETHICS. Citizens Comments: Kirk Smith- 120 S. Washington St.- Mr. Smith questioned the terminology “environmental” and “substantive evidence” within the Ordinance. Asked for clarification. John Correri- Chair of Ethics Commission- stated the Ethics Commission worked hard on the legislation. The legislation has been reviewed by the State and feels this ordinance is a step in the right direction. Recognized the members of the Ethics Commission and thanked them for their dedication. The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council was called to order on May 6, 2019 at 7:020 p.m. with Mayor Martin presiding and the following Council Members present: Council Member’s, Glenn, Martin, Robertson, Tomarchio, Ringsaker and Zinner. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Martin and the opening prayer was led by Pastor Jim Sterner. A motion was made by Council Member Martin and seconded by Council Member Zinner to approve the council meeting minutes of April 15, 2019. Motion carries 6-0 Senator Bob Cassilly was in the audience and presented a recap of the session. Comments from citizens on agenda items: Carol Zimmerman- 213 B. Seneca Way; President of the Green Team and supports the resolution to request exemption of off-shore drilling. John Zimmerman- 213 B. Seneca Way: stated the C. A. T Club has worked hard to keep the city clean. Would like to try a new cigarette butt receptacle downtown. Will make an appointment to see Mayor Martin. Julie Ruhnke- 3 Red Head Way- Ms. Runke asked for council support and approval of the Pirate Fest. Kirk Smith 120 S. Washington Street- Mr. Smith supports the Pirate Fest and also reminded the city that recycling cans have been requested for the event. Recognitions Student of the Month Recognitions- Presented by Mayor Martin Havre de Grace Elementary School: Bella Minerva Flowers Meadowvale Elementary School: Sarah Weitzel Havre de Grace Middle School: Cameron Grant Havre de Grace High School: Alex Gresock Presentations: Citizens Against Trash Club- Mr. Al Peteraf presented a video on the C.A.T Club and encourages citizens to participate in keeping the community free of trash. The following auxiliary police officers were sworn in for duty. Clifton “Patrick” Cox, Rusty Price, Ron Wood, James Wilkes and Matt Croke Resolutions: A Resolution Concerning Offshore Drilling (CM Robertson) A RESOLUTION BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, PURSUANT TO SECTION 33 AND 34 OF THE CITY CHARTER AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE OF THE ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND TO SUPPORT GOVERNOR LARRY HOGAN’S REQUEST FOR MARYLAND TO BE EXEMPT FROM OFFSHORE DRILLING A motion was made by Council Member Roberstson and seconded by Council President Glenn to introduce Ordinance 2019-07. After the header was read and assigned a number- a motion was made by Council Member Robertson and seconded by Council President Glenn to adopt Resolution 2019-07. Motion carries 6-0. New Business: Special Events A motion was made by Council Member Ringsaker and seconded by Council Member Martin to approve the Jazz by the Bay (Havre de Grace High School) at Hutchins Park Tent; May 17, 2019- Motion carries 6-0 A motion was made by Council Member Tomarchio and seconded by Council Member Zinner to approve the Lock House Pirate Festival- June 15, 2019. Motion carries 6-0 Directors Report: Mr. Patrick Sypolt: Director of Administration Tuesday May 7th is Election Day for Havre de Grace. The election polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. at the St. Patricks Hall located on Pennington Avenue. The Farmer’s Market kicked-off their season on Saturday at Hutchins Park. This, their opening day was the best ever with more than 500 visitors. The market begins at 9:00 a.m. and runs to noon. The Market is open every Saturday from May to mid November and features locally grown produce, baked goods, meats, soaps, beer, wine, spirits and hand crafted items. Beginning on Friday, May 10th and through the 13th and again May 17th through May 19th, theTidewater Players presents The Full Monty at the Cultural Arts Center at the Opera House. It’s the musical version of the 1997 British film with the same name. Reset in Buffalo, NY, when a steel town announces job layoffs, a scrappy former employee comes up with a novel way to cope with the realities of lost wages as well as feelings of lost manhood. The Full Monty contains adult language, adult situations, and brief nudity. For tickets and pricing please visit the website On Saturday, May 11th the American Legion, Post 47 will be kicking-off their summer season with the “Lighting of the Palm Trees”. There will be games, food and drink, music and fun for all. Festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. On Tuesday, May 14th it’s Bike to Work Day, 2019. The Office of Community and Economic Development’s Harford Commute Smart Program, celebrates Clean Commute Month with activities and events to highlight alternative commuting options such as walking, cycling, car and vanpooling, mass transit, and even teleworking from home. These alternatives help create a healthier and cleaner environment. The goal is to raise citizen awareness and advocate for the available local alternate transportation options benefits. Please join us under the tent at Hutchins Park beginning at 7:00 a.m. For more information call the Harford County Office of Economic Development at 410.612.1620; ext. 7474. On Wednesday, May 15th, at 4:30 p.m. there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the Elevated Walkway across Lilly Run on the North Park Trail; a.k.a. Joe K. Trail. Please join us for this grand opening which enables the North Park Trail to traverse the Lilly Run near the shad pond at the Lock House. This facet of the overall North Park Trail has been 20 years in the making and stands as a testament to the time, patience and perseverance exemplified by many and led by Mr. K., himself. On Saturday, May 18th, from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. the Gardens de Grace Club with host their annual Garden Mart and Plant Sale on the grounds of the Havre de Grace Maritime Museum. There will be native plants, perennials, annuals, herbs, and vegetables. Artisans and crafters will be selling nature inspired wares and garden décor. Also on Saturday, May 18th and again on Sunday May 19th tour lovely private gardens along the Chesapeake Bay in historic Havre de Grace. The tour is self-guided and walkable, as all the gardens are within a mile of one another. Tickets are $25.00, (ticket covers both days), and can be purchased at: Amanda’s Florist, Concord Point Coffee, the HdG Visitor’s Center; Java By the Bay, Blue Heron Gifts and the HdG Maritime Museum. This is a rain or shine event. The tour begins at the Maritime Museum where ticket holders receive their program which includes a map. The proceeds benefit the Maritime Museum. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better Thursday Night Live returns to the Cultural Center at the Opera House on Thursday, May 23rd, featuring the Blues Brotherhood! A tribute to the Blues Brothers. The Blues Brotherhood covers the best material from the original Blues Brothers as well asl other classic blues, funk and soul tunes in a style unique. So hold onto your hats and shades as the boys capture the sound, energy, and persona that propelled the original Blues Brothers in the phenomenon that still thrills audiences around the world. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. Early announcement, City Hall will be closed on Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. Offices will reopen at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 28th. If you missed any of the information I just spoke of and for a complete calendar of events for our City please visit our websites at: and and Mr. Shane Grimm: Deputy Director of Planning Residents are reminded to check with the City before performing any work that may require a permit, including the removal of trees. The Board of Appeals is scheduled to meet to hear the Conditional Use for 4 single-family residential lots at 616 Fountain Street on May 9, 2019 at 7pm in Council Chambers. Mrs. Erika Quesenbery Sturgill: Director of Economic Development- Absent Mr. George DeHority: Director of Finance Mr. DeHority gave a financial update. Mrs. Teresa Gardner: Director of Public Works Mrs. Gardener gave an update on Water Week. This week – May 5 – 11, 2019 is National Protect the SOURCE Drinking Water Week. As you may be aware, your daily water supply comes from the Susquehanna River. We encourage you to help protect and preserve this supply as it delivers public health protection, fire protection, support for our economy and the quality of life we enjoy. Every single one of us are stewards of the water infrastructure upon which future generations depend – with this in mind, each citizen of our city is urged to help protect our source waters from pollution and to practice water conservation. The investment we make as a community to protect our water source NOW ensures we have a sustainable drinking water supply for the future. For more information, please visit presented by the American Water Works Association. Chief Teresa Walter: Police Department Chief Walter announced the Torch Run. The HDG Police Department is selling Tshirts and Hats. Business from Mayor Martin Mayor Martin invited everyone to the elevated walkway ribbon cutting on May 15th at 4:30pm. Mayor Martin announced the Farmers Market is now open and First Friday was successful. Business from Council: Council Member Tomarchio Council Member Tomarachio congratulated Major General Kirk Vollmecke on his retirement. Congratulated the Student of the Month recipients and recognized that the month of May is Teacher Appreciation Month. Commended the HHS after prom event. The Green Team annual meeting will be held May 8th at 7pm. Thanked the HDG Police Department for giving an informational session on Human Trafficking. Council Member Tomarchio wished everyone who has filed to run in the city election, good luck. Council Member Robertson Council Member Robertson thanked fellow Council Member’s for adopting the off-shore drilling resolution. On May 15th the legion will be sponsoring the movie “They Shall Not Grow Old.” The proceeds benefit the American Legion. Council Member Robertson attended the Gala and First Fridays. The Youth Commission will be having their Teen Night on June 11th at 6pm at 723 Yoga. Budget and Finance will not meet this month. Congratulations to Big House Signs and Salon Marielle for their recognition from Comptroller Peter Franchot. Council Member Zinner Council Member Zinner congratulated the Independence Day Commission on a job well done with the Gala. Congratulated Corporal Dan Petz as he was named Grand Marshal. Attended the Habitat for Humanity Ribbon Cutting. Attended the Longest Table event held at Ripken Stadium. Council Member Ringsaker Council Member Ringsaker wished the candidates good luck. Council Member Martin Council Member Martin thanked all the candidates for running. Tourism Advisory Board will meet on 5/8 and Water and Sewer will meet on 5/10. Taste of Scotland will be held on 5/21 at the Cultural Arts Center, CM Martin and Robertson will be the hosts. Business from Council President Glenn: Council President Glenn congratulated the Student of the Month. Council President Glenn commended the Susquehanna Hose Company on their May 2nd water rescue. They were able to make the rescue from start to finish in nine minutes. Congratulated the Grand Marshal nominees and congratulated Corporal Dan Petz being named Grand Marshal 2019. Congratulated Jermey Smith and Jade Vincenti for being voted as Prom King and Queen. A motion was made by Council President Glenn and seconded by Council Member Robertson to enter into a closed session at adjournment to discuss legal matters. Motion carries 6-0 Comments from Citizens on Agenda Items: Kirk Smith, 120 S. Washington St; commended DPW and the Tree Commission for the plantings on Arbor Day. Mr. Smith did question the trees that were cut down in the critical area. Per Shane Grimm, there is an investigation to determine why the trees were cut down. Mr. Joe Kochenderfer- Tydings Road- Would like to invite everyone to the Joe K nature walk on May 18th at 10am. Bob Robinson- 229 N.. Union Ave- Congratulated Student of the Month. A motion was made by Council President Glenn and seconded by Council Member Martin to adjourn at 9:48 pm. Motion carries 6-0 Closed Session Minutes- See attached.