ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – November 10, 2021 Havre de GraceECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD – November 10, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL WORK SESSION Wednesday, November 10, 2021 – 5:00 p.m. 711 Pennington Avenue, Havre de Grace, Maryland The Havre de Grace Economic Development Advisory Board will meet in the Council Chambers to discuss and brainstorm suggestions on how property at 2234 Barker Lane and 2236 Barker Lane could be used should the property be sold. The public is invited to attend and observe the meeting. AGENDA Wednesday, November 10, 2021 – 5:00 p.m. Call to Order Roll Call Members – Mike Allen, Scott Elliot, Malcolm George, Warren Hartenstine, Terri Kearney, Meghan Parker, Lisa Robinson, Julie Ruhnke, Lisa Scott-Coleman, Beetle Smith, Maria Terry, Clark Turner, Richard Wehner (Chair), Dan Wusinich Ex-Officio Members – Robert Andrews, Bridgette Johnson, Jason Robertson Special Work Session Discuss/brainstorm suggestions on how property at 2234 Barker Lane and 2236 Barker Lane could be used should the property be sold Adjournment