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Call to Order
Roll Call
New Business
Case No. 553 Permit No: 2025-324 Location: 801 Tydings Road Owner: Brian and Deborah Beam Applicant: Christine Amos (contractor) Tax ID/Area: 06-033547 (0.4+/- Acres) Description: 2025-324 – 801 Tydings Road. To hear a request by the Applicant for a conditional use for an existing Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in the R-1 zoning district and a variance from the specific provisions per §205-9(H)(4) of the zoning ordinance for exceeding the area limitations by 75 square feet, for a total of 1,275 square feet. The Applicant will need to show the request meets the findings under Chapter §25-17(B) & (C).
-Any comments from the general public regarding the previous agenda item (5 minutes per speaker)
-To hear a request by the Board of Appeals for voting on Chairperson and ViceChairperson for the 2025 calendar year per §25-13(F) of the City Code
Old Business -Discussion of adopted and amended “Rules and Procedures” for the Board of Appeals per §25-16(H) of the City Code
View Staff Report
The public is invited to attend and observe the meeting. The meeting may be viewed live by visiting the City of Havre de Grace website at www.havredegracemd.com and click on the City YouTube Videos tab. The video will be available to view immediately following the meeting.