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Call to Order
Roll Call
New Business
Case No. 550 Permit No: 2025-345 Location: 1535 Pulaski Highway Owner: Deborah Tate, Andrew Tate, and Margaret Lampson Applicant: Rob Holweck-Bob Ward Development LLC Parcel No: 0054 (23.40+/- Acres) Description: 2025-345 – 1535 Pulaski Highway-Lampson. To hear a request by the Applicant for an amendment to the previous January 4th, 2024 BoA case 541 conditional use approval of 37 lots, specification type D as shown in Table 1 of Chapter 205, within the Residential/R1 zoning district. Pursuant to Chapter 205-18(A). the Applicant is required to seek BoA review and approval to add two additional lots using lot specification type D, which is the same conditional use of the lot 37 lots previously approved.
-Any comments from the general public regarding the previous agenda item (5 minutes per speaker)
Old Business -Discussion of adopted and amended “Rules and Procedures” for the Board of Appeals per §25-16(H) of the City Code
The public is invited to attend and observe the meeting. The meeting may be viewed live by visiting the City of Havre de Grace website at www.havredegracemd.com and click on the City YouTube Videos tab. The video will be available to view immediately following the meeting.