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Call to Order
Roll Call
Reports of Officers / Boards / Committees a. Chair Report and Welcome b. All other reports will be covered in the Old Business discussion of the TAM visit.
Unfinished /Old Business a. Review and discussion of the TAM visit to Havre de Grace from September 29 to October 5, 2022.
b. Update on coming events, including the Great HdG Oyster Fest, the Independence Day Commission’s Holiday Tree Jubilee, and the Celtic Winter Fest.
New Business a. Announcement of a tentative invitation by TAM for members of Havre de Grace Twinning to visit Mumbles in 2023. b. Discuss possible addition of new CEC members. c. Any New Business, identified for discussion.
Next Meeting Date / Time / Location a. Proposed next CEC meeting is December 13th at 7 PM at City Hall.