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Call to Order
Roll Call
Old Business -Review and Adoption of proposed “Rules and Procedures” for the Planning Commission per §25-27(B)(7) of the City Code and §2-105(c)(1)(i) of the MD LUC
New Business Location:1151 Pulaski Highway-US Route 40 (South Bound) Owner/Applicant: Harbor Shops MD II, LLC Permit No: 2024-0340 Parcel No: 2261 (3.75 Acres) Description: 2024-0340 – Harbor Shops MD II – 1151 Pulaski Highway. To hear a request by the applicant of 1151 Pulaski Highway (Harbor Shops II) for site plan review Extension for constructing a Strip Mall style building (15,205 Square Feet) in the Commercial/C zoning district. According to §155-25(C), the Planning Commission may grant up to two (2) one-year extensions of the site plan, for a total of 3 years. The site plan was previously approved on March 21, 2024 by the Planning Commission. This would be their first (of two) site plan extensions allowed by City Code. Site Plan extension submission includes site plan and request letter, forest conservation plan and waiver, and landscape plan for reference.
The public is invited to attend and observe the meeting. The meeting may be viewed live by visiting the City of Havre de Grace website at www.havredegracemd.com and click on the City YouTube Videos tab. The video will be available to view immediately following the meeting.