February 3, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes

    February 3, 2020

    Council Meeting Proceedings


    The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council was called to order on February 3, 2020 at 7:01 pm with Mayor Martin presiding.

    Council Members present: CP Glenn, CM Robertson, CM Ringsaker, CM Boyer, CM Zinner and CM Martin.

    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and opening prayer was given by Pastor Vincent Austin.


    Approval of Minutes: CM Ringsaker moved to approve the Council Meeting minutes of January 21, 2020 Seconded by CM Zinner.  Motion carries 5-0 with CM Martin abstaining.

    Recognitions: Student of the Month was presented by Mayor Martin to – Isabella Grant of Meadowvale Elementary School, Emma Floyd of Havre de Grace Elementary School, Laura Vollmecke of Havre de Grace Middle School and Casey Cameron of Havre de Grace High School.

    Appointments:  CM Martin moved to re-appoint Pastor Norman Obenshain and William Watson to the Ethics Commission.  Second made by CM Zinner.  Motion carries 6-0

    Ordinance 1028: was read into record. A motion to introduce on second reading by CM Ringsaker with a second by CM Martin.  Motion carries 6-0.  A motion to adopt Ordinance 1028 on second reading was made by CM Ringsaker with a second by CM Boyer.  A number of substantive, grammatical and punctuation amendments were proffered by CM Ringsaker with a second by CM Martin. The Friendly Amendments were passed successfully by a 6-0 vote. A motion by CM Ringsaker to approve Ordinance 1028 with the suggested substantive Amendments was seconded and  approved 6-0.

    Ordinance 1029: was read into record. A motion to introduce on second reading by CM Ringsaker with a second by CM Martin. Motion carries 6-0. A motion to adopt Ordinance 1029 on second reading was made by CM Ringsaker with a second by CM Robertson. Motion carries 6-0.

    New Business:

    Annual Easter Egg Hunt – CM Robertson moved to approve. Second made by CM Ringsaker. Motion carries 6-0

    2020 Tomahawk 5K – CP Glenn moved to approve. Second made by CM Robertson. Motion carries 6-0

    HDG United Methodist Church Sunrise Service – CM Martin moved to approve. Second made by CM Zinner. Motion carries 6-0

    Upper Chesapeake Bay Pride Festival – CM Ringsaker moved to approve. Second made by CM Robertson. Motion carries 6-0.

    Directors Report:

    Patrick Sypolt Director of Administration:  Provided dates of upcoming events in Havre de Grace which are available on the tourism website at www.explorehavredegrace.com.

    Mr. Shane Grimm Deputy Director of Planning:  Thanked  Council for adopting Ordinance 1028, which will give the citizens desiring to annex into the City a clear process to follow with opportunities for public consideration and comment.  Mr. Grimm also informed Council that there will be ordinances on the agenda soon relative to State mandated changes to our Forest Conservation program, which are minor, and changes to the Building and Property Maintenance Codes.

    Mrs. Erika Quesenbery-Sturgill Director of Economic Development:  A Havre de Grace Economic Development Façade Improvement grant through the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development has brought immediate improvements to 208 N. Washington Street, the future home of the Blind Horse Distillery, and to their neighbor at 204 N. Washington Street, the former Walton Hardware Store, that will open at ADIS Kitchen Showroom with the Maryland House Apartments above.

    Mr. George DeHority Director of Finance:  The current financial condition of General Fund 1, Water/Sewer Fund 9 and Marina Fund 8 were presented by Mr. DeHority.  Mr. DeHority gave a public service announcement to citizens urging them to please vote in the upcoming special election. Mr. DeHority also wished Police Chief Walters, of the Havre de Grace Police Department, a very happy birthday.

    Mr. Joe Conaway Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works: Bids for the Odor Control System Upgrade are due February 28, 2020. DPW is working with the County on an MOU to document the County’s contribution of $500,000 towards the Living Shoreline Project.

    Chief Teresa Walter Havre de Grace PD:  Mardi Gras will take place on February 25th.  Please pay attention to the no parking signs at this event.  Chief also warned citizens that IRS scams are going on and we need to be diligent and aware.  IRS does not contact us via phone. Please do not be deceived by calls you receive claiming to be from IRS.  IRS will contact you in writing not over the phone.


    Business from Council: 

    Council Member Ringsaker:   Opening Day for Havre de Grace Little League is April 4th.   Football registration is coming up.  It will be held at the Activity Center on February 28th, February 29th, March 7th, and March 14th from 10 am to 3 pm. Wage and Benefits meeting on the 19th at 6:30 pm at city hall. Marina Commission meeting a city hall on the February 11th at 7 pm.

    Council Member Robertson:  The Havre de Grace Arts Collective is hosting a Grease Sing-a-Long this Friday, February 7, from 7 to 9 p.m., at the Cultural Center at the Havre de Grace Opera House.

    Council Member Zinner:  Historic Preservation will meet February 11th at 7 pm at city hall.

    Council Member Martin:   Water and Sewer Commission will meet Friday February 7th at 3:00 pm to review the election results and complete the required report for the city.

    Council Member Boyer: The Cultural Exchange Commission will meet at PD on the 11th of February at 7pm. The Street and Traffic Safety Committee will meet at city hall at 6 pm on the 24th of February. The Green Team will meet on March 24th    at PD at 7 pm.

    Council President Glenn:   Presented his “Warrior Proud Moments”.  CP Glenn had the opportunity to attend a presentation made by Comptroller Peter Franchot to Connor Sheffield.  He spoke on the amazing courage the young man displays in his life.  CP Glenn stated that we will have Connor and his family present at a future council meeting.

    Comments from Citizens:

    Diane Hessenauer of 915 Eugene Dr. – Shared her support on the upcoming election.

    DeLane Lewis of Baltimore MD – Thanked Council for approving the Upper Bay Pride Event.

     Adjournment:   A motion was made by CP Glenn and seconded by CM Martin to adjourn at 9:06 pm.  Motion carried 6-0.

    Video recording of the City Council Meeting may be viewed online through Harford Cable Network.

    Respectfully Submitted by,

    Resa Laird