Historic Preservation Commission – April 13 Havre de GraceHistoric Preservation Commission – April 13 The Havre de Grace Historic Preservation Commission will meet Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 7:00 PM EST. Members of the public who would like to observe the meeting should visit the City’s YouTube page at the date and time of the meeting. https://www.youtube.com/user/havredegracemd/videos?view=2&flow=grid Havre de Grace Historic Preservation Commission April 13, 2021 7:00 PM via Web Conference (Zoom) I. Call to Order — Jean Johnson (interim chair) II. Roll Call — Kathleen Lee, Secretary. Candace Hough, minutes taker. III. Approval 3/9/2021 Minutes. IV. Budget — Jim Nemeth V. Old Business 1. Report from City Council Liaison — Carolyn Zinner 2. Property news/updates: threatened historic assets 3. HPC Members — individual memberships procedure 4. Lafayette Trail Medallions, Tourism, HHdG Foundation V. New Business 1. National Preservation Month (May) Activities — planning committee 2. Planning Commission liaison — need one HPC member to attend 3. Design Guidelines Study Group — need volunteers Announcements and for the good of the Commission Next HPC meeting: Tuesday, May 11, 2021. Minutes taker: Kathleen Lee