Hydrant Flushing Begins April 18 through the end of June 2022 Havre de GraceHydrant Flushing Begins April 18 through the end of June 2022 What is the Purpose? To enhance the quality of the water and to make sure the fire hydrants are working properly. How often does this occur? Flushing occurs twice a year – April and October – flushing takes about 60 days to do the entire city. We begin the process at the Water Treatment Plant (bringing in the freshest water) and flush from there throughout the city. How will I know when the hydrant flushing is happening? We post this information on our website, on Facebook and it is shared at City Council Meetings. During the flushing process, the water in the service lines will get stirred up and may cause discoloration. You may experience discolored water coming from your faucets. When this occurs, run the cold water only, (not hot water) for a few minutes until the water runs clear. For more information: Please call DPW at 410-939-1800 x-2100