March 18, 2020 COVID-19 Update from the City of Havre de Grace: Havre de GraceMarch 18, 2020 COVID-19 Update from the City of Havre de Grace: March 18, 2020 COVID-19 Update from the City of Havre de Grace: Today, the City of Havre de Grace released an update for the purpose of outlining its current and continued measures to support the Governor’s Executive Orders released March 12, 2020, as they relate to social distancing to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The City Administration is in daily communication with our State and County Health Officials, and will continue to provide our citizens with up to the minute information on our City website – “Our primary goal right now is protecting the health of our community and ensuring that our Citizens continue to receive essential public services,” said Mayor William T. Martin. “The City will remain open, unless otherwise directed by Federal or State authorities. In the event that City Hall is required to close, the City Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) will be exercised. This will ensure essential operations will be directed, managed and executed including staff to receive citizen calls, Police protection, water production, trash collection, wastewater treatment, water and wastewater infrastructure, street maintenance and repairs, marina operations and park services. While this is new territory for all of us, everyone should continue to be patient, check on your neighbors, and continue to practice social distancing.” New Policies: Effective immediately, the Havre de Grace Police Department will limit the number of lobby visitors to one at a time. Bathrooms and ATM at the Police Station are out of service. A drop box is available for paperwork. The Conference room will be reserved for Police operations. Beginning Monday, March 23, 2020, City Hall will no longer receive visitors to apply for or pick-up permits, make payments, or provide any other face to face interaction. PERMITS– A Plans and Permitting Station will be available in the vestibule of City Hall to allow for plans or permit-related information to be dropped off, and/or picked up. Citizens are encouraged to submit plans and permit requests online. PAYMENTS – Citizens wishing to pay bills are encouraged to mail payments or use the City’s online bill pay available at An alternative is to pay by credit card over the phone. Cash payments are not recommended, but if necessary can be placed in the Drop Box between 10am and 2pm daily, Monday through Friday. Please contact Ms. Donna Waller at 410-939-1800 to assist in any bill payment questions. City Meetings and Sponsored Events: The April 6th Havre de Grace City Council Meeting will be cancelled. The City will continue to suspend ALL meetings of City Boards, Commissions, and Committees until further notice. The April 3rd First Friday Event is cancelled. All activities at the Community Center and Opera House are cancelled until further notice, including the annual John O’Neill Gala. The Budget Work Sessions scheduled for March 30th and April 13th will remain scheduled at this time; these sessions will be live-streamed for public access. We are not rescheduling the May 5th election at this time – a final determination will be made in the coming weeks. New and Continued Closures: NEW – Inside tours at the Concord Point Lighthouse are cancelled until further notice. NEW – Inside tours at the Havre de Grace Lock House Museum are cancelled until further notice. The Cultural Center at the Opera House will remain closed until further notice. The Havre de Grace Community Center will remain closed until further notice. The Havre de Grace Visitors Center will remain closed until further notice. Information for local businesses: Click here to view Interpretive Guidance Regarding Order of the Governor of the State of Maryland, dated March 16, 2020, Amending and Restating the Order of March 12, 2020 Prohibiting Large Gatherings and Events and Closing Senior Centers, and Additional Closing Bars, Restaurants, Fitness Centers, and Theaters. Click here to view Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Businesses Click here to view Frequently Asked Questions for Maryland Businesses Planning and Responding to the Coronavirus Click here to view Toolkit for Businesses Everyone please be safe, William T. Martin Mayor