Maryland DNR Enacts Statewide Burn Ban – November 1, 2024
Extremely dry conditions persist across the state and have led to an above average number of wildfires statewide, and conditions are not expected to change in the near future. The ban will remain in effect until the Maryland Forest Service determines the state has received enough precipitation to reduce the threat of wildfires statewide.
Frequently asked questions about the burn ban are:
Q: Are small recreational campfires permitted?
A: No, all open fires are prohibited
Q: Are pellet grilles/smokers allowed?
If a burning device has a stack or chimney, it may be used
Q: Are propane grilles/stoves/fire pits allowed?
A: Yes, since these devices have an on off switch. However, caution is advised.
Q: Who can enforce the burn ban?
A: Any officer who is authorized to enforce laws of the state.
Q: What is the fine for violating the burn ban?
A: The fine for a first offense is $300. Officers always prefer to educate citizens rather than issue citations, but that will be determined on a case by case basis.
Q: When will the ban be lifted?
A: When fuel, drought, and weather conditions improve — requiring a significant rainfall – the ban will be lifted as soon as safely possible.
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