NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING Havre de GraceNOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING The Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace will convene in the Council Chambers at 711 Pennington Avenue, Havre de Grace, Maryland to hold a virtual City Council Meeting, including a Public Hearing on April 20, 2020 beginning at 7 PM. Public comments will be received on an Amendment to the City Charter to authorize the Mayor, during a State of Emergency, to issue executive orders suspending certain enumerated Charter deadlines and time requirements on a temporary basis. In order to ensure compliance with the Governor’s social distancing orders, anyone from the Public wishing to speak may do so as follows: (1) Prior to 12pm on April 20th, 2020 citizens my call or email Ms. Resa Laird at 410-939-1800 x 1138 or All comments will be read into the record; or (2) Attend the meeting- arriving at City Hall no later than 7pm and waiting in your car for social distancing directions by a City Staff person. Once your comments are presented to the Mayor and City Council, you will be asked to leave City Hall.