Notice of Public Hearing – Ordinance No. 1062 concerning Acquisition of Chapel Road and Snow Removal MOU Havre de GraceNotice of Public Hearing – Ordinance No. 1062 concerning Acquisition of Chapel Road and Snow Removal MOU Notice of Public Hearing Ordinance No. 1062 concerning Acquisition of Chapel Road and Snow Removal MOU The Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace will hold a public hearing to receive public comment on Ordinance No. 1062. An ordinance acquiring portions of Chapel Road from the county that are adjacent to parcels already annexed into the city and entering a memorandum of understanding for snow removal for those portions of Chapel Road remaining in the county. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers, City Hall 711 Pennington Avenue Havre de Grace, Maryland 21078 TIME: 7:00 p.m. DATE: Monday, December 20, 2021 A copy of Ordinance No. 1062 is available for review at City Hall and on the website at The meeting may be viewed live by visiting the City of Havre de Grace website at and click on the live stream video icon. The video will be available to view on the website immediately following the meeting.