October 29th, at 4:00 p.m. dedication of the retrofit of the Concord Point Stormwater Management Pond Havre de GraceOctober 29th, at 4:00 p.m. dedication of the retrofit of the Concord Point Stormwater Management Pond On Tuesday, October 29th, at 4:00 p.m., the City of Havre de Grace, along with the Harford Soil Conservation District, will be dedicating the retrofit of the Concord Point Stormwater Management Pond, as well as, the Landscape Infiltration Areas along the street. The stormwater runoff naturally becomes cleaner when it infiltrates through the landscape. The grass slows the runoff, native plants, soil layers, gravel, and sand layers to help filter out the pollutants. In this case, the naturally filtered stormwater runs directly into the pond for further infiltration. This is vitally important along the shoreline to enable the City to further the work toward a cleaner Bay. Funding for the landscape infiltration was provided by City partners, Harford Soil Conservation District.