Prepare for the Rainy/Hurricane Season (mid-August to mid-October)

    2023 Rainy/Hurricane Season

    Although it has been a relatively slow start to hurricane season, with no major storms developing in the Atlantic, this is not unusual and we therefore cannot afford to let our guard down. This is especially important as we enter peak hurricane season, with most activity occurring between mid-August and mid-October. That’s why everyone should take proactive steps to get ready by  downloading the FEMA app and visiting for preparedness tips. And most importantly, make sure you understand your local risk and follow directions from your state and local officials.

    • Know your risk. You don’t have to live near the water for your home or business to flood. Floods don’t stop at lines on a map. Approximately 40% of flood insurance claims came from properties outside the high risk flood areas.
    • Plan for flooding. What will you do in case of an emergency? Visit Ready.Gov for tips on making an emergency plan so you’ll know what you and your family will need to do.
    • Act on small steps now that can save time later. Store important documents in a water tight safety box. Take photos and videos of household items. Verify your insurance covers flood damage – most renters and homeowners insurance does not cover flooding.
    • Call or visit the Havre de Grace Department of Planning for information on flooding in your area. The City can provide information about the A, AE, V, X zones, LIMWA, wetlands and natural floodplain functions. We also have many FEMA informational publications in our lobby at City Hall.
    • See also: and