PUBLIC PARTICIPATION & LIVE-STREAM OF THE MAY 4, 2020 HAVRE DE GRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Havre de GracePUBLIC PARTICIPATION & LIVE-STREAM OF THE MAY 4, 2020 HAVRE DE GRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION & LIVE-STREAM OF THE MAY 4, 2020 HAVRE DE GRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING The Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace will convene in the Council Chambers at 711 Pennington Avenue, Havre de Grace, Maryland to hold a virtual City Council Meeting, including a Public Hearing on May 4, 2020 beginning at 7 PM. Public comments will be received on the FY 2021 Tax rate and the 2021 Water Sewer and Service participation Fees In order to ensure compliance with the Governor’s social distancing orders, anyone from the Public wishing to speak may do so as follows: (1) Prior to 12 pm on May 4th, 2020 citizens my call or email Ms. Resa Laird at 410-939-1800 x 1138 or All comments will be read into the record; or (2) Attend the meeting- arriving at City Hall no later than 7pm and waiting in your car for social distancing directions by a City Staff person. Once your comments are presented to the Mayor and City Council, you will be asked to leave City Hall Citizens wishing to view the meeting should visit the City of Havre de Grace website on Monday May 4th at 7 pm and click on the live stream video icon.