Smoke Testing Information Havre de GraceSmoke Testing Information This is an important message from the Department of Public Works. On or about August 17th, 2020 the Maryland Environmental Service will begin smoke testing the sewer mains to locate areas of stormwater inflow and infiltration. This testing may occur Monday through Friday from 7 am to 3:30 pm and could continue for up to 4 weeks depending on the weather conditions. Please click here to view maps of the planned testing areas. During testing, you may see smoke coming from grassy areas, downspouts, sidewalks, roadways, sewer cleanouts, sewer manholes, as well as entering your homes. The smoke is non-toxic if it does enter your home, although people with breathing difficulty should avoid the smoke. Please call the Department of Public Works at 410-939-1800 x 1128 with any questions you may have. Thank you. View Map of Aug 2020 Smoke Testing Locations