“Spread the Love for Historic Places” The Havre de Grace Colored School Foundation:

    “Spread the Love for Historic Places”

    February 2018, Heartbombing Event

    Photo, Bobby Parker

    The Havre de Grace Colored School Foundation:  www.hdgcoloredschool.net
    Contact: Ms. Patricia Cole, Foundation Chair (703) 398-6133
    Location of photo: 555 Alliance Street, Havre de Grace
    Why we love it! :  
    The Havre de Grace Colored School Foundation showered the former Havre de Grace Colored School with love.  More than just brick and mortar, the school symbolizes the lives and legacy of those ancestors who fiercely advocated for better educational opportunities for African-American students in Harford County, Maryland.  Built during the days of segregation, the building tells a story of determination and perseverance of parents, teachers and concerned citizens who simply wanted to give African-American children a better chance at life.
    To preserve the rich history and legacy of the school, the Colored School Foundation is spearheading a series of nonstop fundraising activities to purchase the one-hundred-year-old historic school.  The foundation’s theme is “honoring the legacy of those who came before us.”  In keeping with that theme, the building will stand as evidence of a diverse community and the combined efforts that exemplify greatness in our historic hometown.
    Today’s county residents applaud the countless deeds of the courageous citizens of earlier generations who had faith in their community and were passionate about equality. They successfully met the challenges of their time, seized every opportunity to improve their lives, and passed on to those who followed a generation with greater opportunities than they found.
    For more information of the Havre de Grace Colored School or to make a tax-deductible donation to save the school, visit www.hdgcoloredschool.net. Donations can be mailed to P.O. Box 799, Havre de Grace, MD  21078.  Please make checks payable to, Community Projects of HdG, and note on the memo line: Colored School Foundation.
    Please Help!  Each One – Reach One!
    We are trying to reach our goal of $160,000 by Feb 26th.