2022 Hurricane Season – What You Need to Know

    In 2020, our most active hurricane season on record, 30 named storms developed, of which 13 became hurricanes and six became major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher).  For 2021, a total of 21 tropical depressions formed, all of which reached at least tropical or subtropical intensity. During the 2022 season, NOAA is forecasting a likely range of 14 to 21 named storms, of which 6 to 10 could become hurricanes.  The Atlantic hurricane season extends from June 1 through November 30.

    Now is the time to get prepared for the dangers that hurricanes and heavy rain storms can bring.  Flooding does not stop at lines on a map.  Between 20% to 25% of flood insurance claims are from properties outside high-risk flood areas.  Flood damage is excluded under standard homeowners and renters insurance.  Contact your insurance agent about protection from flooding.  New flood insurance policies take 30 days to become effective.

    Steps you can take now to help minimize flood damage include elevating and anchoring utilities (HVAC), waterproof basements, and clear debris from gutters.  Take pictures and video of valuables, and keep important documents in a watertight container.  The Flood Design Team of Floodproofing.com is an experienced group of CFMs and Engineers that provide a complimentary, in-depth analysis of your residential or commercial project in the floodplain, in order to recommend the best flood protection solutions that meet your needs.  Call 443-559-1724 to make an appointment.

    For more information, visit our Floodplain Management page:


    Check out these documentaries:

    Last House Standing film:    https://www.thelasthousestanding.org/

    High Tide in Dorchester:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va6BwulHM-c