(3) 200V Pump Motors
US Electrical Motors | Unknown


Condition (As is): Fair
Operational: Yes

Sold as a group only, one price for all 3

Minimum Bid: $100

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

John Deere (Z-TRAK) Lawn Mower
John Deere | Z-TRAK | Unknown


Condition (As is): Needs Battery

Operational: No

Minimum Bid: $100

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Aerobic Step Blocks with Rolling Rack
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown


Condition (As is): Great

Various sizes- 56pcs

Operational: Yes

Minimum Bid: $75

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Discarded HHS Band Uniforms (130 Uniforms/114 Hats– bundle only)
Stanbury | n/a | Unknown


Condition (As is): Good

Operational: Yes

Sold as group bundle only

Minimum Bid: $200

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

1/2 ton 2 Wheel Drive Pick Up Truck
Chevrolet | 2003


Condition (As is): Engine does not run, body is in fair shape (97,185 miles.)

Operational: No

Minimum Bid: $400

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Electric UTV with Dump Bed
Cushman | n/a | 1999


Condition (As is): Fair but will need batteries

Operational: Yes

Minimum Bid: $250

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

4 Drawer Vertical File Cabinet
HON | Unknown | Unknown


Condition (As is): Good

Operational: Yes

Minimum Bid: $25

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Folding Risers (6)
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown


Condition (As is): Good to fair

Operational: Yes

Sold as one group of 6

Minimum Bid: $100

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

26 Various Vinyl LP Records
various albums | assorted | various


Condition (As is): Good to fair

Minimum Bid: $75

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Various Music Equipment


  • guitar
  • drums
  • clarinet
  • sax
  • stands
  • amplifier
  • cymbal stands

Condition (As is): Good to fair

Operational: Yes

Sold as a bundle/group only

Minimum Bid: $500

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

2″ PVC Conduit (approximately 8 pcs- in group)
n/a | n/a | Unknown


Condition (As is): Good

Sold as a group price

Minimum Bid: $25

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Various Plows
Meyer | Unknown | Unknown


Condition (As is): Fair

Sold as a bundle/group only

Minimum Bid: $100

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Yellow Zero Turn Mower
Chariot | Unknown | Unknown


Condition (As is): Poor

Operational: No

Minimum Bid: $150

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Chevrolet S/A Dump Truck; 8500 Duramax; with plow package
Chevrolet | 8500 Duramax | 2006


Condition (As is): Dump bed frame is broken, CAN NOT RAISE DUMP BED

Operational: Truck runs, plow package included

Minimum Bid: $5,000

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

(2) Arrow/Message Board Trailers
Amida Arrow & Precision | n/a | 1993 & 2003


Condition (As is): Fair

Operational: Needs batteries

One price for both Message Boards, sold as a group only

Minimum Bid: $100

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

(2) Speed Trap Trailers
n/a | n/a | Unknown


Condition (As is): Fair

Operational: No

One price takes all– only sold together

Minimum Bid: $100

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Erin Star Screener 100
Erin | 100 | 2000


Condition (As is): 2641 Hours

Operational: Unknown

Minimum Bid: $100

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.

Last Day to Bid: 2024-04-04

Leaf Loader with Truck Cage
Tarrant | Unknown | 2000


Condition (As is): New tires in 2017

Operational: Yes, needs some work

Minimum Bid: $150

Bids below the minimum will not be considered.